mentatzps 发表于 2021-8-11 16:29:26

超級英雄強制鍛煉和腸道沖擊(15 個 FJ 硬幣的完整視頻)

本帖最后由 mentatzps 于 2021-9-20 06:23 编辑

Superhero Workout & Forced Gut Punch (Full Video for 14 FJ coins)
This is the full video preview below. I asked for 14 FJ coins because I bought it on Gumroad for $15.
這是下面預覽中的完整視頻。 我要了 14 個 FJ 硬幣,因為我在 Gumroad 上以 15 美元的價格購買了它。

**** 本内容需购买 **** 12JAuOto4rgppxnVRNQ There is no password, unless you want to create a Mega cloud account to keep the file.
沒有密碼,除非您想創建一個 Mega 雲帳戶來保存文件。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 September 2021: re-upload on Baidu cloud.
In 2 parts (001 and 002) to download then join with 7-zip.
Password = fujikong

2021 年 9 月 20 日:重新上传至百度云。
分两部分(001 和 002)下载,然后加入 7-zip。
密码 = fujikong


qmj 发表于 2021-8-11 18:26:28


大表哥 发表于 2021-8-11 18:34:14


OK起飞时间 发表于 2021-8-11 22:19:55


lucas 发表于 2021-8-11 23:38:17

Thanks your vid .That is super hot. 感謝

Rand 发表于 2021-8-12 00:07:10

本帖最后由 Rand 于 2021-8-12 00:11 编辑

感謝          thanks

iloveu5410 发表于 2021-8-12 00:54:30

复制 thank for your video. It is so hot! :)

540dongdong 发表于 2021-8-12 01:58:58

I don't know how to keep it in my mega.:(啊

540dongdong 发表于 2021-8-12 02:25:07

It always reminds me that I don't have enough transmission flow. Could you plz upload it to Google drive like last time?谢谢!

mentatzps 发表于 2021-8-12 05:09:16

本帖最后由 mentatzps 于 2021-8-12 07:59 编辑

打不開者:對不起,我沒有百度權限。 鏈接是 Mega(查看下圖),也許您必須使用 VPN。 如果你是用FJ幣買的帖子,可以私信問我鏈接,我發給你。

For those who can't open: I'm sorry, but I don't have Baidu access. The link is Mega (check picture below), maybe you have to use a VPN. If you bought post with FJ coins, you may ask me the link in private message, I'll send it to you.

Mega cloud 預習

You may change language at the top right, clicking on the globe and then choose language.

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查看完整版本: 超級英雄強制鍛煉和腸道沖擊(15 個 FJ 硬幣的完整視頻)