mentatzps 发表于 2021-8-8 15:48:11

超级英雄强迫锻炼和肠拳 (Mega 测试)

Superhero forced workout & gutpunch (Mega test)

This is a preview clip from Gumroad.
I have not bought the full video (yet).

I would like to know if it's easier to use Mega cloud instead of Google or Baiduyun (that doesn't work for me anymore).
Tell me if it works, thank you.

这是 Gumroad的预览剪辑。

我想知道使用 Mega cloud 是否比使用 Google 或百度云更容易(这对我不再适用)。

Download link / 下载链接

mday288 发表于 2021-8-12 19:22:01

It works! But Chinese friends should use a ladder! It's really fast and convenient! Thanks for sharing! 他这个可以用的,需要fanqiang。比百度云好用。

腹肌控 发表于 2021-8-8 19:33:15


人生的一天 发表于 2021-8-9 11:34:10

Can I buy this video? Very good! ! 可以么?

graceevil2 发表于 2021-8-9 12:35:28

The mega cloud is not working.额

mentatzps 发表于 2021-8-9 14:07:06

很抱歉,您还需要用于 Mega 云的 VPN ......这只是一个预览。
完整视频长达 14 分钟,可以在 Gumroad 上以 15 美元(97 日元)的价格购买。

I'm sorry that you also need VPN for Mega cloud was only a preview.
The full video is 14 minutes long and can be bought for $15 (¥97) on Gumroad.

540dongdong 发表于 2021-8-9 17:24:38

It reminds me that I must upgrade the pro membership before I can watch it.滴

mentatzps 发表于 2021-8-11 16:31:00

Check here for full video:
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查看完整版本: 超级英雄强迫锻炼和肠拳 (Mega 测试)